112 days, 1134 hours or 80640 minutes. That's it! How ever which way you say it, that is all the time I spent across the pond.
So why is it that it feels like such a long time?? Flying into kennedy airport back at the start of April and driving over the Brooklyn bridge seems like a life time ago. So much for the expression 'time flys when you're having fun!'
But that's just it! I had so much fun! From the shopping to sightseeing, the restaurants to interning and from the parties to crazy brunches we just did SO much, cramming what could have taken a year into a very hectic - but at the same time completely unforgettable - few months.
What makes a trip like this is the people you meet along the journey. From old familiar faces to endless streams of new ones, asking you to say things like 'spiffing' and 'roundabout', telling you that you sound like Mary Poppins and asking 'oh my gawd, are you from London?' and 'Why do you all love the Queen so much?'. It really was the friends I found along the way that made my amazing trip.
Now, with the end of summer to spend with my nearest and dearest, and one hell of a final year working my socks off at Leeds, time will fly. And before I know it, I'll be jumping on a plane heading back to the big apple.
I really will treasure the memories of my whirlwind trip, but it is always nice being back in my own house, with a fridge full of my favourite foods and knowing that a tonne of my oldest and closest friends are just are drive away, and at last were all in the same time zone!

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